Lithium batteries
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Cell (CR14G505)
1 000 rub.
«KORVET L» battery (49CR254/140) (ЖШИЦ.563261.010ТУ)
LOTSMAN CR series batteries
BRIGANTINA battery (155CR250/410) (ЖШИЦ.563261.012ТУ)
VECTOR battery (12CR52/850) ЖШИЦ.563162.010ТУ
BOREY L-500 battery (53CR254/140) (ЖШИЦ.563261.006ТУ)
«Impulse CR» ЖШИЦ.563261.013ТУ
Cell (CR34615)
Single-use battery RB-P (15ЖЛЛГ5 ЖШИЦ) ЖШИЦ.563212.020ТУ
Cell FR14G505 (FR6) ЖШИЦ.563132.035ТУ
Cell FR10G445 (FR03)


You can request the manufacture of power sources according to individual technical requirements

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