About company

About company

Today AO Energiya is a stably working company with considerable production capacities, its own research facilities, steady partnership relations, firmly following the course of innovative development. The company pays much attention to modernization of chemical sources of current, development of new products, application of new materials and technologies, relationships with partners and cooperation with research institutions.

TНЕ CORE ACTIVITY AREAS are development and production of autonomous power- supply sources for household appliances, general industrial and special-purpose equipment: for missile and artillery systems; for aviation; for the Navy and civil river and sea fleets; for radio facilities; for household electronic and electric appliances; for medical equipment; for toys and games; for air, water, and ground emergency communications and alarms; for fire extinguishing systems; and for other equipment intended for various applications. The company steadily holds leading positions in the development and production of chemical power sources and other non-core products in the domestic and foreign markets.

By creating high-quality world-class power sources, we invest in the future and ensure the security of our country.

The company's products are exported to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Poland, India, and other neighbouring countries and beyond.

The main consumers of the products are the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Roskosmos, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Emergencies, Gazprom, airlines, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Railways and Communications, State Basin Boards throughout the Russian Federation, the fuel and energy complex, geology, geophysics, and manufacturers of medical equipment.

Over the past few years, the management of the company has taken a course towards import substitution of materials and the supply of exclusively Russian-made products. The published Resolution No. 328 of April 15, 2014 on the approval of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of industry and increasing its competitiveness" confirmed the correctness of the chosen path of strategic development of the company for the coming years.

For the missile and artillery systems, the company has developed and implemented thermal power sources of the fourth generation using the latest technologies and materials, due to which the specific characteristics of products have increased, the operating time has increased, and the overall dimensions have decreased. The power sources of this system are distinguished by instant response, long storage periods (20 years), high reliability, and absence of self-discharge. Since 2007, the company has arranged the production of supercapacitors, which are distinguished by high specific characteristics, long service life and have become widespread both in the civilian sphere - hybrid transport, rail transport, energy stabilization systems, and for the needs of the Ministry of Defense, including the latest developments of military equipment.

It should be noted that this innovative product provides significant savings in all areas of its application, is completely safe during operation for humans and the environment, does not require maintenance, and remains operational in the Far North.

Since 2013, the company has launched a serial production of lithium-ion batteries of its own production for the needs of the Ministry of Defense. Also, the company has mastered the production of a wide range of rechargeable cells and batteries based on them. In this area, АО Energiya takes a leading place among the manufacturers of these products. In 2015, within the framework of the import substitution program, primary cells with a voltage of 1.5 V of the LiFeS2 system (lithium iron disulfide) of AA size with a capacity of 3 Ah were put into mass production; they are characterized by stable operation in a wide temperature range, high discharge currents, long storage life up to 15 years.


ГОСТ Р 58876-2020
ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001-2015
ГОСТ РВ 0015-002-2020